GDC Demo

Youth Party

Restoring Public Confidence in Nigerian Democratic Institutions

Over 60% of Nigeria’s population is under 30 years old, however youth participation in politics and governance has remained challenging.

 At the recently concluded Local Council Elections in Lagos State Nigeria, the Youth Party put forward a candidate considered as formidable and worked actively to mobilise the electorate in their bid to establish good governance at the local level in Lekki. 

 They met resistance all the way from both the Lagos State Independent Electoral Commission and the ruling party, which ultimately resulted in blatant electoral malpractices, including voter suppression, violence and intimidation, falsification of votes and vote buying on Election Day. 

 The Youth Party challenged the outcome of the elections at the Election Tribunal, which further revealed the bias and injustice that is grafted into the judicial system. 

 In this video, key players from the Youth Party share their experience and propose urgent reforms that need to be carried out in order to restore public confidence in the Nigerian Democratic institutions.