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Ukraine in the media

In the media


IRI Ukraine Poll Shows Overwhelming Support for Zelensky, Confidence in Winning the War, Desire for EU Membership 

9 May 2022

The latest public opinion survey conducted by the International Republican Institute’s (IRI) Center for Insights in Survey Research (CISR) in Ukraine shows overwhelming support for President Zelensky, confidence in winning the war with Russia, and a strong desire to join the European Union (EU). 

When asked about President Zelensky, 94% of Ukrainians strongly approve or somewhat approve of his job performance.  

Kristine Berzina Analyzes Russia’s Objectives in the War in Ukraine on France 24

26 April 2022

As Russia points the finger at NATO, the UN‘s Antonio Guterres is in Moscow, asking for cooperation over humanitarian access to places like Mariupol. Sergei Lavrov says they are “ready to cooperate”, but only a day before he warned that World War Three was a real danger.

A business media reporting on the war in Ukraine

21 April 2022

“In the past we were a media for businesspeople, but on 24 February, we changed our focus,” says Yulia Bankova, the chief editor of, in conversation with EED.“Our readers were only interested in the war. They wanted to know what was happening at every moment, where there were bombings, who was affected, how many victims there were, how to leave the country, how to move their business elsewhere. We were ready at 5am when the war began. We started to work immediately.”

IFES President visits Ukraine to show solidarity with staff and partners, plan for the future

19 April 2022

On March 26, 2022, IFES President and CEO Tony Banbury and Senior Country Director for Ukraine Peter Erben crossed the Polish border into Ukraine to meet with IFES staff who had relocated from Kyiv to western Ukraine. They also met with IFES partners in Ukraine, including members of the Central Election Commission and representatives of civil society organizations. Despite the Russian Federation’s invasion, IFES continues to support Ukraine’s democratic institutions and organizations.

Is international cooperation possible?

18 April 2022

On the day Russia commenced its invasion of Ukraine, the U.N. Security Council convened in a televised 11th-hour attempt to avert the conflict. For several minutes, the session continued uninterrupted, with delegates unaware that Russian tanks had already crossed the border. On millions of screens worldwide, we were able to view, in real time, the ineffectual state of existing international institutions, a point Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky angrily reiterated this month.

Indeed, our planet faces problems — climate change, pandemics and now the resurgent specter of nuclear war — that current forms of international organization have proved incapable of solving. Only a far stronger international body than we saw on display in late February can meet these challenges. Given the magnitude of these problems, reform cannot exclude unprecedented forms of cooperation between the United States and its major rivals such as Russia and China. This prospect seems fanciful at best, if not eccentric and dangerous. It is difficult to imagine a prominent American leader even daring to support such a proposal in today’s political climate.

Ukrainian Parliamentary Leaders Hold Court in Ottawa

1 April 2022

Five senior members of the Ukrainian Parliament wrapped up a two-day visit to Ottawa, including a series of high-level meetings with Canadian government and parliamentary officials. In a continued appeal for support from Canada, their message was consistent: an appreciation for Canada’s support for Ukraine, and an appeal to do more.

European Endowment for Democracy approves emergency assistance programme for our Ukrainian partners

1 March 2022

The EU-supported independent ‘European Endowment for Democracy’ (EED) has approved an emergency assistance programme for its Ukrainian partners.

This package includes emergency funding and a top-up fund for grantees to cover additional needs such as re-location and security. This assistance will help them continue and adapt their activities.

In addition, grants that were due to conclude have been automatically extended.

Can you prepare for Russian aggression? 

1 March 2022

Daniel Baer is acting director of the Europe Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Speaking to Calum Macdonald on Times Radio Early Breakfast, Daniel analysed the Russian attack on Ukraine and Vladimir Putin’s nuclear threat on the West. He said: “I hope and trust that those on both sides of the Atlantic who are in senior positions and national security positions are doing that. “Certainly, there’s been lots of war-gaming and practice to kind of identify opportunities to de-escalate away from a threshold that would be nuclear. And so people have inherited wisdom of a couple generations of trying to predict that.”

Nuclear weapons expert: The likelihood of nuclear war is rising 

1 March 2022

In a special interview, one of the world’s leading nuclear weapons experts gives a full analysis of Vladimir Putin’s nuclear threats as his invasion of Ukraine continues. What does raising of Russia’s nuclear alert level actually mean? What kind of message was Putin trying to send? How should other countries respond? What scenarios could now play out? And how dangerous is this moment?

Yegor Cherniev, MP asserts

27 February 2022

“…this is not a war between Russia and Ukraine. This is a war between democracy and oligarchy. If Ukraine loses, the Western World will lose.”

Oleksandr Zaslavskyi, Analytical Director, Agency for Legislative Initiatives

26 February 2022

“This is not a conflict, this is not an operation, this is war.”

Joshua Kirschenbaum Discusses Russia Sanctions

25 February 2022

ASD Senior Fellow and illicit finance expert Josh Kirschenbaum joins Yahoo Finance Live to discuss strategies the U.S. and European allies could take in imposing additional sanctions on Russia.

Yulia Klymenko, MP remarks

25 February 2022

“This is a major change of the geopolitical landscape. Because if we lose now, the democratic world will lose.”

Kristine Berzina Discusses Biden’s Warning of Possible Russian Invasion of Ukraine in February on Al Jazeera

28 January 2022

U.S. President Joe Biden has warned Ukraine’s leader that a Russian invasion is a “distinct possibility.” And it may happen as soon as next month. The Kremlin has denied it is planning an attack.

Kristine Berzina Discusses Russia’s Energy Dominance Over Europe on Fox Business

27 January 2022

Republicans argue President Vladimir Putin is trying to get the region more hooked on Russian fuel. ASD Senior Fellow speaks to FOX Business’ Hillary Vaughn.

A ‘New Normal’ in Eastern Europe? David Salvo Discusses with Boyd Matheson

24 January 2022

Everyone has been watching in horror on their TVs as Russia invades Ukraine, an attack Europe has not seen in decades. Is this the beginning of a new normal in Eastern Europe? Or can the international community band together and respond in a way that will deter future aggression? Alliance for Securing Democracy’s David Salvo, who used to work at the State Department, shares some fascinating insights.