GDC Demo

Statement Ukraine


Statement in Support of Ukraine

28 February 2022

We are again witnessing just how dangerous autocrats and their regimes can be. The Kremlin has for decades trampled on the rights and freedoms of its own citizens and is now attacking peace and democracy beyond its own borders, attempting to topple the Ukrainian Government by force.

The Club de Madrid Urgently Calls to Stop Violence in Ukraine

20 February 2022

The democratic rights of the Ukrainian citizens must be respected, including freedom of assembly and expression, as well as freedom of press. The Government of Ukraine should honor their stated policies that were requested and supported by millions of Ukrainians, and should uphold their international commitments.

The people from Ukraine, like any other citizen in the world, must have the legitimate right to choose their own future and to fulfill their aspirations, and this should be achieved through governments that represent their interests and listen to their voices.

Club de Madrid calls on President Putin to pull back from the abyss

24 February 2022

Club de Madrid strongly condemns the full-scale military invasion of Ukraine by Russia as a flagrant breach of national sovereignty, international law and international treaties that will put innocent lives at risk. We defend Ukraine’s right to peace, prosperity and democracy and call on President Putin to immediately stop all military action and return to diplomatic channels.

As expressed by Club de Madrid Members already back in 2014, military occupation is not only contrary to international law and the rights of sovereign nations, as expressed in the UN Charter and numerous other documents, but also undermines the political and security architecture of Europe and threatens peace and stability across the globe.

Club de Madrid statement on Ukraine

7 March 2022

We, the undersigned members of the Club de Madrid, a body comprised of democratically elected former Prime Ministers and Presidents of our countries, have been following with grave concern the rapid developments and the extremely tense situation that reigns in Ukraine. The military presence of foreign troops outside of their naval bases in the Crimean Peninsula is particularly inappropriate and any military incursions into Ukrainian territory are a flagrant breach of international law and of international treaties.


22 February 2022

Yesterday, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered additional troops into separatist-held parts of eastern Ukraine, hours after signing decrees to recognize the independence of these Moscow-backed regions. This attempt to undermine Ukraine’s democracy and splinter the unity of its Western partners—less than eight years after occupying Crimea and launching a proxy war in Donbas in 2014—has sparked outrage among human rights activists and government officials from around the world. Despite constant threats from authoritarian Russia, the Ukrainian people have repeatedly made clear their choice to uphold their country’s independence and to continue to build a democratic future.

NED President and CEO calls for solidarity at rally to support Ukraine in Washington, D.C

28 February 2022

Holding blue and yellow Ukrainian flags and chanting slogans for peace, crowds gathered over the weekend in cities across the world to stand with Ukraine as the assault by Russian forces continues. On Sunday, February 27, 2022, National Endowment for Democracy (NED) President and Chief Executive Officer Damon Wilson addressed the demonstrators next to the White House in Washington, D.C., calling for solidarity with the Ukrainian people as they reinforce their right to a democratic future.

Solidarity with Ukraine and defense of democracy worldwide

3 March 2022

Vladimir Putin’s illegal and unjustified attack on a sovereign, free Ukraine is a watershed moment in the struggle for human freedom. To meet this moment, we are determined to support democracy activists on the frontline with the same sense of urgency they bring to their own national struggle. The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and its four core partners—the National Democratic Institute (NDI), the International Republican Institute (IRI), the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) and the Solidarity Center—stand in support and solidarity with our Ukrainian grantees, partners, staff, and their loved ones in Ukraine.

Video Statement by NED President and CEO

3 March 2022

Ukraine is at the epicenter of the fight for freedom today…It’s our task to rally free societies in support of a free Ukraine.

Statement By The Alliance For Peacebuilding On The Crisis In Ukraine

23 February 2022

The Alliance for Peacebuilding (AfP), the leading nonpartisan global peacebuilding network of 160+ members operating in 181 countries working to end violent conflict and build sustainable peace, urges all parties to the crisis in Ukraine to continue dialogue, exercise restraint, and commit to a diplomatic solution to end the violent conflict in Ukraine. AfP also urges international donors to robustly and urgently expand peacebuilding and conflict prevention assistance to support stability and prevent conflict in Ukraine.

Carter Center Condemns Russian Aggression in Ukraine

23 February 2022

The Carter Center condemns Russian President Vladimir Putin’s decision to send troops into the sovereign nation of Ukraine, a clear violation of international law and the human rights of the Ukrainian people. We call on Russia to immediately withdraw its forces and engage with Ukraine’s leaders and the international community to find a diplomatic solution to the crisis.

Statement from Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter on Ukraine

24 February 2022

Russia’s unprovoked attack on Ukraine using military and cyber weapons violates international law and the fundamental human rights of the Ukrainian people. I condemn this unjust assault on the sovereignty of Ukraine that threatens security in Europe and the entire world, and I call on President Putin to halt all military action and restore peace. The United States and its allies must stand with the people of Ukraine in support of their right to peace, security, and self-determination.

International IDEA condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

24 February 2022

Today will live in infamy. A few hours ago, the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, launched an unprovoked war against Ukraine, a sovereign nation and a democracy.

International IDEA conveys its full support and solidarity to the people of Ukraine, innocent victims of this aggressionand the brave partners and democracy activists with whom it has engaged in these troubled years supporting their fight, and calls on the international community to spring into action to protect them and mitigate the humanitarian consequences of the invasion. 

11th Emergency Special Session of the General Assembly: Aggression Against Ukraine

2 March 2022

International IDEA strongly condemns the unprovoked war of aggression waged by the Russian Federation with the involvement of Belarus against Ukraine, a sovereign nation and a democracy. This is in breach of international law and international agreements and the rules-based international order that underpins the shared objective of global peace and the existence of organizations such as International IDEA.

The invasion ordered by the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, is a blatant violation of the UN Charter. As firm believers in the right of peoples to exercise their fundamental rights and freedoms, we convey our full support to and solidarity with the people of Ukraine. They are innocent victims of this aggression. We salute the brave partners and democracy activists with whom International IDEA has engaged in recent years when Ukraine made huge progress towards being a stable and thriving democracy. We call on the international community to spring into action to protect them and mitigate the humanitarian consequences of the invasion. 

Statement by Dr Kevin Casas-Zamora, Secretary-General of International IDEA during the 11th Emergency Special Session of the UN General Assembly

11 April 2022

We all know that since the start of its war of aggression against Ukraine, the Russian Federation has systematically targeted civilian sites like hospitals, schools, shelters and residential areas. In the last days, several independent sources have confirmed evidence of unspeakable atrocities committed by the Russian Federation in the areas of Ukrainian territory under its control. These atrocities include acts of rape, torture, murder, summary execution and deliberate use of cruelty against civilian victims. What has been discovered in Bucha may be hardly the worst of what has happened and is still happening in areas that remain under Russia’s control. Such actions are gross violations of international humanitarian law and human rights abuses for which perpetrators should be held accountable. Moreover, the horrific nature of these crimes fully justifies the request of suspension of the rights of membership in the Human Rights Council of the Russian Federation.

Statement on Russian Invasion of Ukraine

24 February 2022

As an organization dedicated to defending democracy and strengthening the transatlantic relationship, The German Marshall Fund of the United States condemns in the strongest possible terms Russia’s illegal and unprovoked invasion of Ukraine.

IFES stands with Ukraine: A statement by IFES President and CEO Anthony Banbury

24 February 2022

IFES stands with our Ukrainian colleagues, partners and friends as their country faces an unjustifiable escalation of war by the Russian Federation. This is an unprovoked assault not only against a sovereign country, but against democracy everywhere. When free to choose, the Ukrainian people have chosen democracy; anti-democratic forces can only assert their claims through violence. Our Ukrainian colleagues have shown incredible resilience and remain committed to the important day-to-day work of strengthening Ukrainian institutions and freedoms. IFES has stood resolutely with Ukraine since its independence and will continue to do so, regardless the difficult days ahead. We must #StandWithUkraine.

Statement in Response To Russia’s Military Assault on Ukraine

24 February 2022

Today, the Consortium for Elections and Political Process Strengthening denounces Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. This violence is an unjustified intrusion on a peaceful, sovereign country, and a humanitarian catastrophe for the Ukrainian people.

Ukrainians have freely, continuously, and courageously demonstrated their unwavering commitment to an enduring, independent, and democratic state.

UCLG Statement on the attack on Ukraine

25 February 2022

The local and regional governments of our World Movement send a message of solidarity and support to the Ukrainian and Russian citizens, and we commit to guaranteeing the human rights of the displaced and refugee populations by relocating as many people as possible.

Local and regional governments gathered together as United Cities and Local Governments express their shock and condemn the launch of military attacks on cities and regions throughout Ukraine. 

Ukraine: We stand with the people and defend free media

25 February 2022

We unilaterally condemn the violence and aggression that puts thousands of our colleagues all over Ukraine in grave danger.

We call on the international community to provide any possible assistance to those who are taking on the brave role of reporting from the war zone that is now Ukraine.

We condemn the physical violence, the cyberattacks, disinformation and all other weapons employed by the aggressor against the free and democratic Ukrainian press.

We also stand in solidarity with independent Russian media who continue to report the truth in unprecedented conditions.

Statement from the Co-Chairs of the OGP Steering Committee on Ukraine

28 February 2022

We unequivocally condemn the unjustified and unprovoked attack on Ukraine, a member of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) since 2011, and we call on all of the open government community to do the same strongly and in the swiftest terms.  

As a member of OGP, Ukraine has taken bold steps to strengthen their democracy, and modernize their country. Model reforms have been implemented in public procurement, beneficial ownership transparency, and sale of public assets. This work has been built on a robust partnership between government, civil society, and media. It has set an example that many in OGP strive to follow in their own efforts. 

Statement on the illegal invasion of Ukraine

28 February 2022

The illegal invasion of Ukraine is devastating, and the consequences will be far reaching. For decades, Ukraine has been on a journey strengthening its democracy for the good of its people and WFD has been proud to have provided support along this road. This unprovoked attack on Ukraine is also an attack on our values of democracy and freedom. The fight to defend democracies around the world is getting harder and has never been more urgent. 

We have joined members of the Global Democracy Coalition and the European Partnership for Democracy in signing statements that support Ukraine and condemn the invasion. Autocratic repression and violence will never lead humanity to peace and security. The world needs more, better, and stronger democracies to face the grave challenges of our time, not more autocracy and bloodshed.

EPD stands with Ukraine

February 2022

The illegal military invasion of Ukraine by the Russian federation is catastrophic and alarming in many ways. As we are entering the second week of aggression on Ukraine and its people, Ukraine is facing mass displacement, mounting casualties and destruction. More globally, this is posing a threat to international security and peace, and putting Ukraine’s democratic foundations and anti-corruption progress at risk. Therefore, the attack on Ukraine is also an attack on universal values of freedom, rule of law and democracy itself. As a democracy support network, our community stands in support of Ukraine and its people, and condemns this violation of the territorial integrity of a sovereign state and internationally recognised borders.

Democracy International Supports Democracy and Freedom in Ukraine

February 2022

Democracy International stands in solidarity with Ukraine. We condemn Russian actions that threaten the sovereignty and democracy of Ukraine, and the lives and values of Ukrainian citizens. We commend the brave journalists and civic activists who are reporting on this crisis.

“The Ukrainian people have unambiguously demonstrated their desire for democratic self-governance,” said DI President and CEO Eric Bjornlund. “Democracy International has worked with leaders of Ukraine’s legislature, judicial institutions, ministries, civil society, and citizens to help them build their democracy from the inside. Today, we stand in solidarity with Ukraine against the unprovoked and unjustified external attack on their sovereignty.”  

Joint Statement in support for Ukraine

1 March 2022

Demo Finland is one of the signatories in a joint statement by partner organisations in the Global Democracy Coalition, a global multi-stakeholder coalition for democracy, which condemns Russia’s attack on Ukraine. The statement expresses support for the international community’s efforts to hold Russia accountable for the attack and stresses that Ukraine is at the forefront of the struggle for freedom and democracy. The statement calls on the international community to support Ukraine and its people, as well as Russia to withdraw its military forces from Ukraine immediately.

Ukraine: Freedom House Condemns Moscow’s Escalation of Attack on Ukraine and Targeting of Civilians

3 March 2022

Vladimir Putin’s unprovoked attack on Ukraine and the Russian military’s reported shelling of civilian targets—including neighborhoods, schools, and hospitals—is creating a humanitarian crisis that the whole world must respond to. The Putin regime’s blatant disregard for the safety of innocent Ukrainians who wish to live in peace and freedom is a clear indication of the threat it poses to the rest of humanity. It is worth noting that this invasion has already driven close to a million people to flee Ukraine after only a week. When authoritarians are left unchecked, they wreak havoc on the lives of ordinary people, undermine democracies and the observance of fundamental human rights, and generally make the world a more dangerous place. We must never forget that the present crisis was created by Vladimir Putin and enabled by his allies in the Russian political elite, security services, and oligarchic class.

Russia: Hold the Regime Accountable for War Crimes in Ukraine

12 April 2022

In response to the discovery of what appear to be atrocities committed by Russian troops in the Kyiv region, Freedom House issued the following statement:

“The mounting evidence of atrocities in the Ukrainian towns of Bucha, Irpin, and Borodyanka, coupled with the callous disregard for civilian lives in the bombing of evacuees at the Kramatorsk train station, only underscores the urgency with which the international community must act to hold the Kremlin accountable for war crimes,” said Michael J. Abramowitz, president of Freedom House. “Deeply concerning reports coming out of Mariupol and other areas that are still under siege or occupation by Russian forces indicate that similar or even worse abuses are likely being committed there. International institutions and democratic governments must work with conviction and unity at the highest levels to collect evidence of violations and ensure that the Russian government and all culpable individuals are held accountable for their crimes.”

Democracy under siege

March 2022

In light of the troubling developments and the significant deterioration of the security situation in Eastern Ukraine, The Oslo Center would like to express its deep concerns about the escalating violence. As a democracy assistance foundation, we stand in strong solidarity with the people of Ukraine.

During these circumstances, it is crucial to emphasize that peace and democracy are universal and related values that coexist in harmony and are prerequisites for stronger societies. TOC will continue to support and work towards Ukraine’s right to a free, just, and equitable democratic society. Ukraine has been engaged in its democratic journey for years, and any attack on its stability and progress is a threat to democracy overall. It is important in these trying times to stand together in solidarity.

Secretary General Visit to Kyiv

2-5 February 2022

The Secretary General of the Community of Democracies, Thomas E. Garrett, traveled to the capital of Ukraine from February 2 through 5, 2022. He met with former President Viktor Yuschenko and First Lady Katherine Yuschenko, civil society leaders, political party activists, and human rights defenders.

His statement on the mission follows:

The common thread through my meetings in Ukraine was that while there was uncertainty as to what actions Russian President Putin may undertake, there was no sense of panic or fear in the capital, but a mood of determination and ongoing preparation by citizens.

Statement by SG Thomas E. Garrett on the situation in Ukraine

22 February 2022

In 2000, 106 nations adopted the founding document of the Community of Democracies, the Warsaw Declaration, which sets the basic values for a state to flourish as a democracy. Two of those adopting countries, the Russian Federation and Ukraine – neighbors – soon diverged in their respective commitment to the Declaration.

Along an often-difficult path, with setbacks and challenges, Ukraine sought to respect and uphold Warsaw Declaration principles, always guided by its people’s aspiration for a homeland and a democratic nation. Today, Ukrainians elect their leaders, speak against corruption and demand accountability from those in power.

Secretary General’s Statement on the War Against Ukraine

March 2022

The peaceful people of Ukraine woke today to an unprovoked attack of Russian missile strikes on their cities and a Belarusian-Russian troop invasion of their country. The brute force of two dictatorships is seeking to destroy democracy and the rule of law in the geographic center of Europe. All democracies worldwide must unequivocally show they stand with Ukraine.

Statement of the Governing Council Members of the Community of Democracies on Ukraine

March 2022

Members of the Governing Council of the Community of Democracies Canada, Estonia, Finland,  Georgia, Guatemala, Hungary,  Italy, Japan, Lithuania, Norway, North Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Romania (Community of Democracies Presidency 2019-2022), Sweden, the Oriental Republic of Uruguay, the Republic of Korea, the United Kingdom, and the United States, support Ukraine’s democracy, sovereignty, and territorial integrity, within its internationally recognized borders.

The Community of Democracies strongly condemns Russia’s continued aggression against Ukraine and unequivocally supports the people of Ukraine in their democratic aspirations.


Perugia Declaration for Ukraine – 3 May 2022

May 2022

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has underlined once again the essential role of independent, ethical journalism in assisting citizens to make life-or-death decisions, informing the world, and holding the powerful to account.

As a powerful antidote to the disinformation and propaganda that characterise hybrid warfare, and as a pillar of democracy upon which other freedoms and rights depend, journalism in Ukraine is undergoing a terrible assault.