GDC Demo


Driving Up Global Ambition on Beneficial Ownership Transparency at the Summit for Democracy and Beyond

Hosted by: OGP and the Government of the United Kingdom, in collaboration with Open Ownership, Transparency International, the B Team and other partners

The recent revelations of the Pandora Papers have once again shown the role played by secrecy in the global financial system. The use of shell companies and other legal vehicles to hide money and evade taxes undermines our democratic institutions and reduces resources for public services, like health and education.

There has been global progress on reforms to increase corporate transparency in recent years, including many countries who have established – or are establishing – a central register of company ownership. Several of these countries have also founded the Beneficial Ownership Leadership Group to share best practice, inspire ambition and to support each other on implementation. This event will draw on the experience of the Leadership Group, and will explore further ideas for cross-country action and collaboration.

Anti-corruption, including beneficial ownership transparency, is a priority of the upcoming Summit for Democracy and OGP Global Summit as a means to strengthen democracy. This public event is timed to be part of the build up to both Summits, and will bring together high-level government representatives, civil society organizations, representatives from the private sector, and international partner organizations.


The roundtable discussion will include reflections from:


Government of ArmeniaYeranuhi Tumanyants, Deputy Minister of Justice

Government of Colombia Beatriz Lodoño, Secretary General of Transparency

Government of Georgia Otar Danelia, First Deputy Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development

Government of Latvia Jānis Bordāns, Minister of Justice

Government of Nigeria Clem Agba, Minister of State of Budget and Planning

Government of North Macedonia Marija Boskovska Jankovski, Director of the Central Registry of North Macedonia

Government of the Slovak Republic Mária Kolíková, Minister of Justice

Government of Ukraine Sergii Orlov, Deputy Minister of Justice, and Digital Transformation

Government of the United Kingdom Duncan Tessier, Director of Economic Crime, Home Office and John Penrose M.P., Prime Minister’s Anti-Corruption Champion

Government of the United StatesScott Rembrandt, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Strategic Policy in the Office of Terrorist Financing and Financial Crimes at the Department of the Treasury and Head of the U.S. Delegation to the FATF.


Financial Action Task Force (FATF)Elisa de Anda Madrazo, Vice-President


Access Info Europe Helen Darbishire

Accountability Lab Blair Glencorse

Chile Transparente Alberto Precht

EITI Gay Ordones

FACT Coalition Ian Gary

NRGI Alexandra Gillies

Open Ownership Thom Townsend

Publish What You Pay Canada Sasha Caldera

Publish What You Pay Indonesia Aryanto Nugroho

The B Team Robin Hodess

Transparency International Delia Ferreira Rubio

Transparency International U.K.Rachel Davies Teka


BHP Emma Roberts