GDC Demo

No security without democracy

No security without democracy

15 September 2022

No security without democracy – International Day of Democracy Seminar

Our security environment has changed significantly since Russia started a war of aggression in Europe. The global trend of democratic backsliding has continued for a long time. How can security be strengthened by promoting democracy? In the future, will hard security trump soft security? How will Finland continue to support democracy as a member of NATO? What is the role of political parties in strengthening democracy?


Opening remarks (pre-recorded)

  • Pekka Haavisto, Minister for Foreign Affairs

Keynote: Democracy as means for maintaining peace and security

  • Laura Thornton, Director, Alliance for Securing Democracy

Panel discussion: Values in Finland’s foreign policy

  • Harry Harkimo MP, Movement Now

  • Jouni Ovaska MP, Centre Party

  • Kristiina Salonen MP, Social Democratic Party

  • Jussi Saramo MP, Left Alliance

  • The representative of the National Coalition Party will be confirmed later

Panel discussion: Democracy and global security

  • Eva Biaudet MP, Swedish People’s Party

  • Inka Hopsu MP, Greens

  • Tom Packalén MP, Finns Party

  • Peter Östman MP, Christian Democrats

Closing words

  • Gary Klaukka, Acting Executive Director, Demo Finland

The event was hosted by the political journalist Robert Sundman. The seminar was held in Finnish, except for Laura Thornton’s keynote speech, which was in English. An interpretation from Finnish to English was provided.

Demo Finland organised the event in partnership with the Parliament of Finland.