GDC Demo


Pushback to Authoritarian Influence: Insights from Africa and Latin America

Please join the International Republican Institute (IRI) for a panel discussion on how civil society is mobilizing to build democratic resilience to the CCP’s increasingly potent and pervasive influence campaigns in Africa and Latin America. Topics discussed will include an overview of how Beijing is impacting democratic institutions and processes in Africa and Latin America, as well as direct accounts of how local civil society organizers and activists are responding. The panel will contribute to the Democracy Summit’s discussion of key theme one – ‘Defending Against Authoritarianism’. Moreover, this panel will support global small ‘d’ democrats that seek to address the role of authoritarianism in their communities through democratic, inclusive and participatory initiatives.


Moderator: Matt Schrader, Advisor, Countering Foreign Authoritarian Influence, International Republican Institute


Kristine Berzina, Senior Fellow and Head, Geopolitics Team, Alliance for Securing Democracy, German Marshall Fund

Bright Ackwerh, Art Activist, Ghana

Isolda Morillo, Independent Journalist and Researcher