GDC Demo

International IDEA + Africa Regional Programme

Democratic Reversal and Restoration in West Africa

The webinar seeks to draw global attention to emerging democratic developments in West Africa and the concerns of continued democratic decline in the sub-region. The webinar will also explore emerging youth mobilisation as an expression of democratic aspirations and call to defend democracy as enshrined in the ECOWAS Protocol. The webinar will make recommendations addressed to global actors at the Democracy Summit.


Moderator: Olufunto Akinduro, International IDEA


Professor Adebayo Olukoshi, Head of the Centre for Advanced Study of Democracy and Development at the Wits University School of Governance, Johannesburg

Dr. Emmanuel Akwete, Executive Director, Institute for Democratic Governance (IDEG), Ghana

Ms. Nana Afadzinu, Executive Director of the West Africa Civil Society Institute (WACSI)

Mr. Austin Aigbe, Senior Programme Officer, CDD West Africa

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