GDC Demo



The Global Democracy Coalition was formed in October of 2021, convened by International IDEA and other democracy and democracy assistance organizations from around the world. The goal was to create an informal group of organizations committed to the advancement of democracy, working together to engage constructively with the Summit for Democracy, hosted by United States government, in December 2021. Together, partner organizations decided to hold a Forum ahead of the first Summit. The Global Democracy Coalition provides a platform for dialogue, knowledge exchange and experience-sharing, and advocacy around the Summits for Democracy and potentially beyond. Working collectively on strategic issues relevant to the democracy agenda can contribute to make our individual voices stronger and more likely to be heard.


The Global Democracy Coalition is a multi-stakeholder alliance of democracy organizations from around the world committed to advance and protect democracy worldwide and to influence the Summits for Democracy and the Year of Action 2022. Being a partner/member in the Global Democracy Coalition provides access to a network of like-minded organizations and colleagues around the world, to share information on democratic innovations and good democratic practices, to identify opportunities for collaboration and to better coordinate their efforts, specifically in relation to the Summit for Democracy, but also in their democracy strengthening efforts more broadly.