GDC Demo


Tired of Elections? Creating Momentum in the Face of Electoral Fatigue

As autocratisation has picked up across the world, elections have gained importance as the key avenue for arresting democratic decline in many countries. At the same time, citizens in many places around the world feel that elections are not a mechanism for change, protesting against ballots they feel are unfair or outdated. This conversation between democracy supporters will look at the challenges of supporting elections and how to create momentum for needed electoral reforms.

What are the global trends in terms of elections? Why are elections still so important for democracy support? What are the most difficult areas of democracy support linked to elections? What are the key steps domestic actors should take after an election? What can international actors do better?


Moderator: Ken Godfrey, EPD


Tanja Hollstein, WFD

John Inge Løvdal, Oslo Center

Domenico Tuccinardi, EDGE

Mathias Parsbæk Skibdal, DIPD

Nino Dolidze, ISFED

Gary Klaukka, Demo Finland

Michael Lidauer, Election-Watch.EU

Thijs Berman, NIMD

Michael Meyer Resende, DRI