GDC Demo


Arts 4 Resilience

16 December 2022

Arts 4 Resilience

Art has significant potential to impact peacebuilding in areas of conflict resolution and post-conflict reconciliation. Artistic expression offers an ideal resource to understand the perspectives of others, particularly their views on conflict and social injustice.  Art can also directly supplement peace processes by offering marginalized or oppressed groups a voice and a platform for expression.  Join us to discuss real-life examples of how art can bridge divides, heal communities and also be a strategic tool in negotiations and mediation processes when verbal communication falls short. It is our collective responsibility in the Arts4Resilience community to intentionally work together to collectively design programs that link human rights,  development, and peacebuilding initiatives with artists and cultural leaders to unify our messages and strengthen the ability for local communities to tell their stories and influence the way funders and policy makers support their needs.

Join PartnersGlobal and the International Human Rights Art Festival to discuss real-life examples of how art can bridge divides, heal communities and also be a strategic tool in negotiations and mediation processes when verbal communication falls short.