GDC Demo

Ukraine Action Plan

Action Plans and Recommendations



10 recommendations for a European response to the Ukraine invasion

March 2022

We are at a critical juncture for the future of the European Union and democracy globally. The Russian war of aggression shows that authoritarian rule is a global security problem for states, businesses and people everywhere. Democracy support needs to be a European strategic priority.

Our members have been tirelessly working to support staff or partners in Ukraine and do what they can to support critical democratic actors – like media, civil society, human rights defenders and local government – both in Ukraine and in Belarus and Russia. On this page, you can see all the activities of our members on Ukraine. As EPD, we are coordinating among members and with various networks, and have also just released this letter urging the Commission not to compromise on the rule of law and democracy at home, with regards to the recovery funds to Poland and Hungary.



Action plan – Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine, 2021 – 2025

4 October 2021

Khmelnytskyi City Council along with its executive bodies, communal enterprises, institutions, and organizations, as well as NGO “Khmelnytska Initsiatyva” and local higher education institutions agreed to work together in the Action Plan implementation and monitoring.

Ukraine Action Plan 2020-2022

3 March 2021

The Open Government Partnership Initiative, already implemented for over nine years in Ukraine, has had a substantial impact on developing mechanisms for public participation, access to information, transparency, and accountability regarding the activities of public authorities. The Open Government Partners hip Initiative has also made it possible to formulate new standards of cooperation between the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and civil society institutions, which partner with the government during the planning and implementation of monitoring and assess ment measures aimed at improving open governance.

*Please note that the OGP process in this country is currently on pause in light of the Russian war on Ukraine.

Action plan – Ternopil, Ukraine, 2021 – 2025

23 February 2021

The Open Government Partnership Action Plan (hereinafter referred to as the Action Plan) provides for the implementation of obligations under the international initiative, increasing the level of transparency, openness and accountability of the city council and its executive bodies, subordinate enterprises, institutions and organizations and will strengthen cooperation with civil society institutions. Ternopil City Council in its activities implements the principles of open government in the areas of public information access, introduction of new electronic services and regular services, development of open data portal, improving the Quality Management System in providing services, involvement and cooperation with civil society institutions, etc.