GDC Demo

Ukraine Dashboard




Summit for Democracy Commitment Dashboard

May 2022

International IDEA and Freedom House have created a Summit for Democracy Commitment Dashboard where all country commitments made in follow up to the Summit for Democracy are made easily accessible and summarized with democratic performance data linked to issue areas of commitments. Look up Ukraine’s S4D country profile in this tool.

* Note that the commitments made by Ukraine were formulated before the Russian invasion.

War in Ukraine

March 2022

This dashboard provides a summary analysis of Russian government and state-backed media tweets, videos, and articles mention one or more predefined keywords related to the current war in Ukraine. Content is sub-categorized by the broad narratives used by the Kremlin to justify its ongoing invasion, such as blame cast on NATO enlargement or extremism in Ukraine, or messaging used to push back against Western intervention, such as nuclear threats or counter-sanctions narrative.