GDC Demo

Carter Center

Strengthening America’s Democratic Credentials

Over the last 10-20 years, there has been significant democratic backsliding in the United States, which has begun to lose credibility as a global champion of democracy. Public trust and confidence in elections in the U.S. is declining, election results are increasingly disputed, and election administration faces multiple hurdles. What’s the solution?

There are no easy answers, but a vital first step is to assess U.S. adherence to international election standards on key issues, including gerrymandering of election districts, impartial and independent election administration, and participation by the broadest possible pool of eligible voters in transparent, safe, and secure elections. Using a standards-based framework can help identify key benchmarks as well as potential solutions.

This panel will bring together a group of practitioners and experts to explore some of the key challenges facing elections in the U.S. and will include discussion of recommendations that could be discussed at the Summit regarding U.S. democracy and election, and possible steps to address key challenges.


Moderator: Pam Fessler, Former NPR correspondent 

Opening remarks: Jocelyn Benson, Michigan Secretary of State


David Carroll, Director of the Carter Center’s Democracy Program
Nate Persily, Professor of Law at Stanford University
Ashley Quarcoo, Senior Director of Democracy Programs and Pillars at Partnership for American Democracy