GDC Demo

SDG16 Data Initiative

Launch of the SDG16 Data Initiative Global Report 2021: Measuring Progress on SDG16+

The launch of the SDG16DI Global Report will take place this year in the form of an online discussion panel held in the framework of the Global Democracy Coalition Forum (GDCF) convened by International IDEA, the current coordinator of the SDG16DI, to galvanize a global conversation on democracy, as inputs to the Summit for Democracy to be held on 9 and 10 December 2021. The Forum seeks to provide a platform for voices, actors and issues that may not be part of the official Summit and will thereby contribute to broadening the conversations held around key issues inherently connected to the broader concept of democracy. The panel on the SDG 16 Data Initiative report will present the main findings of the report and in doing so, will help articulate the linkage between SDG 16 and the discussions in the Summit for Democracy, which focus on combatting corruption, advancing the respect for human rights and countering rising authoritarianism.

 The online discussion panel convenes authors of the several chapters of the report, including representatives from the World Justice Project (WJP), Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO), the Centre for Law and Democracy (CLD), the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA), and the Global Forum for Media Development (GFMD) for their contributions to this report.


Moderator: Massimo Tommasoli, Director of Global Programmes and Permanent Observer for International IDEA to the United Nations; Coordinator of the SDG16 Data Initiative


Sarah Chamness Long, Director, Access to Justice Research, World Justice Project (WJP)

Haakon Gjerløw, Senior Researcher, Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO)

Ivana Bjelic Vucinic, Projects Manager, ‎Global Forum for Media Development (GFMD)

Toby Mendel, Executive Director, Centre for Law and Democracy (CLD)

Miguel Angel Lara Otaola, Senior Democracy Assessment Specialist, International IDEA

*Individuals noted on any UN sanctions list (United Nations Security Council Consolidated List) or European Union sanctions list are not allowed to participate in any International IDEA events.